Legacy Giving
Legacy gifts can take a variety of forms, and we will be happy to work with you to design a legacy gift that fits your individual and family circumstances and meets your objectives. The most common form of legacy gift is a bequest, which is simply a gift made through your will. A bequest gift to the Muindi Foundation is an easy addition to your existing will. For information on how to make a bequest to the Muindi Foundation and sample bequest language, click here.
here are also other ways to make a legacy gift, including arrangements that offer very attractive benefits back to you.
To learn more, just click on the benefits that interest you most:
i. Increase Current income
ii. Reduce income taxes
iii. Reduce capital gains tax
iv. Conserve assets for loved ones
v. Bequests
If you would like to learn more about Legacy giving, please contact Serena at 408-490-2468